
99 Top Competition Law Dissertation Topics for 2025

in Competition Law, Law

The world of commerce is often compared to a battleground where businesses compete for supremacy. In this competitive arena, ensuring fair play, preventing monopolistic practices, and fostering market competition are key concerns. This is where competition law comes in, a field that has gained significant academic interest due to the increasing global trade. Dissertation topics […]

The world of commerce is often compared to a battleground where businesses compete for supremacy. In this competitive arena, ensuring fair play, preventing monopolistic practices, and fostering market competition are key concerns. This is where competition law comes in, a field that has gained significant academic interest due to the increasing global trade. Dissertation topics in competition law typically address market competition and legal issues within public and private spheres. Research questions often explore how legal frameworks adapt to market forces, offering students unique and interesting areas for exploration.

We’ve compiled some common questions students ask about Competition Law dissertation topics across various platforms. Whether you’re brainstorming or finalizing your proposal, these FAQs will guide you through the most important considerations.

  • What are the most trending competition law dissertation topics for a PhD research proposal in 2025?
  • What are some unique researchable competition law project topics for an undergraduate thesis?
  • Can you suggest some potential competition law thesis topics focusing on digital platforms for an MSc dissertation?
  • What are some recent competition law research paper topics for students in the UK, specifically for market power abuse?


Competition law offers a fascinating area for academic growth for undergraduate, master’s, or doctoral students. Topics may include antitrust regulations, mergers, or the impact of digital platforms on competition. These thesis topics allow scholars to delve into the legal implications of market competition. Whether focusing on international antitrust challenges or regulating emerging technologies, competition law provides endless opportunities for research proposals and ideas. Examples of good research paper topics may include regional variations in competition law or the role of competition authorities in global trade.

As competition law evolves with shifting market dynamics and new technologies, students can explore cutting-edge issues that impact both businesses and consumers. Research paper ideas could cover regulatory challenges posed by digital markets, intellectual property, or the differences in competition law across regions, like the UK. Dissertation topics can examine these complexities, offering a unique perspective on how competition laws are shaped by modern commerce. These project topics address current legal questions while contributing to the development of competition law.

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A list of competition law dissertation topics:

The following is a list of competition law thesis topics compiled to assist the student in choosing a relevant and exciting topic for his research paper:

Competition law and market dynamics Research Proposal Ideas

  • Abuse of dominance and monopolization: a comparative legal analysis.
  • Competition law and artificial intelligence ethics: legal frameworks for responsible AI development.
  • Competition law and financial services: regulating banks and market competition.
  • Antitrust in the biotechnology industry: legal implications for intellectual property and innovation.
  • Competition law and artificial intelligence algorithms: legal implications for algorithmic bias.

Antitrust regulations in global markets Dissertation Titles

  • State aid and competition law: assessing government subsidies and market distortions.
  • Competition law and international trade: legal considerations for trade agreements.
  • Antitrust in the financial technology sector: legal implications for fintech innovations.
  • Antitrust in the media and entertainment industry: legal implications of market consolidation.
  • Antitrust enforcement in developing countries: legal capacity building and challenges.

Digital platforms and competition law Research Proposal Topics

  • Digital marketplaces and platform regulation: legal mechanisms for ensuring fair competition.
  • Competition law and big data: examining data-driven market power.
  • Competition law and data monopolies: legal approaches to ensuring fair competition.
  • Digital platforms and market dominance: legal considerations in regulating tech giants.
  • Competition law and cybersecurity: legal frameworks for data protection and market competition.

Mergers and acquisitions in competition law Research Proposal Research Questions

  • Cross-border mergers and acquisitions: legal implications for global competition.
  • Merger control and market consolidation: legal implications for consumer choice.
  • Competition law in post-merger integration: legal considerations for preserving market dynamics.
  • Antitrust in the automotive technology sector: legal considerations in innovation and collaboration.
  • Antitrust enforcement in multi-jurisdictional mergers: legal harmonization and challenges.

Role of competition authorities in monopolies Research Proposal Examples

  • What are the benefits of compliance with competition law in the UK? Financial and economic impacts.
  • State-owned enterprises and competition law: balancing public and private interests.
  • Antitrust enforcement and leniency programs: legal strategies for incentivizing cooperation.
  • Competition law and market access: analyzing trade barriers and globalization.
  • Competition law in the UK before and after leaving the EU- a systematic review.

Cross-border competition law Dissertation Ideas

  • Competition law in cross-border trade: legal approaches to promoting international commerce.
  • Global competition laws- a review of justification and jurisdiction.
  • Competition law and cross-border mergers: legal approaches to transnational consolidation.
  • Antitrust enforcement in the digital economy: legal challenges in regulating tech giants.
  • Competition law in emerging economies- a systematic review.

Intellectual property and competition law Dissertation Research Questions

  • Patents and competition law in the UK- an investigative analysis.
  • Antitrust and intellectual property rights: legal dimensions of innovation and monopoly.
  • Competition law and intellectual property: navigating the interface of innovation and market competition.
  • Competition law and standardization: legal aspects of industry regulations.
  • Antitrust in the technology sector: legal implications of innovation and market dominance.

Competition law in emerging markets Dissertation Examples

  • Antitrust in emerging markets: legal challenges and regulatory approaches.
  • Competition law in the pharmaceutical sector: legal considerations in generic drugs and patents.
  • Competition law in the automotive sector: legal aspects of innovation and market access.
  • Antitrust enforcement in the energy sector: legal challenges in deregulation.
  • Competition law in the gig economy: legal approaches to platform workers and market competition.

Regulatory challenges in digital economies Hot Topics

  • Competition law and artificial intelligence: legal implications for responsible AI development.
  • Competition law and climate change: legal strategies for promoting sustainable markets.
  • Competition law and privacy regulation: legal implications for data-driven markets.
  • Leniency programs and cartel detection: legal strategies for uncovering collusion.
  • Antitrust in the retail industry: legal challenges and pricing strategies.

UK vs. US competition law Thesis Ideas

  • A comparative review of competition law between the UK and the US.
  • Challenges in implementation of transnational competition laws- review of literature.
  • Competition law for monopolies? A contrasting relationship.
  • Antitrust in the food and beverage industry: legal considerations in supply chain dominance.
  • Antitrust in the airline industry: legal considerations in international competition.

Market power abuse in competition law Thesis Titles

  • Predatory pricing and antitrust: legal strategies for protecting competitors.
  • Excessive pricing and antitrust: legal approaches to preventing price exploitation.
  • Cartels and collusion: a legal examination of anticompetitive practices.
  • Competition law in the telecommunications industry: legal implications of market concentration.
  • Competition law and anticompetitive agreements: legal strategies for detecting and prosecuting collusion.

Anti-competitive behavior and legal remedies Thesis Topics

  • Antitrust in the telecommunications industry: legal implications of market concentration.
  • Competition law compliance programs: legal frameworks for corporations.
  • Antitrust in the agricultural industry: legal implications for market access and pricing.
  • Antitrust enforcement in the pharmaceutical industry: legal challenges in pricing and patents.
  • Competition law and sustainable agriculture: legal measures for promoting eco-friendly practices.

Competition law in the gig economy Thesis Research Questions

  • Competition law and the sharing economy: legal approaches to platform regulation.
  • Antitrust in the e-commerce industry: legal considerations in online retailing.
  • Antitrust enforcement in the space industry: legal challenges in commercial space exploration.
  • Competition law and blockchain: legal challenges in decentralized markets.
  • Competition law and the cryptocurrency industry: legal challenges in decentralized finance.

Legal Frameworks Against Monopolistic Practices Review Topics

  • Competition law and the pharmaceutical industry: legal aspects of market dynamics and drug pricing.
  • Antitrust in the pharmaceutical distribution chain: legal implications for market dynamics.
  • Antitrust in the telecommunications sector: legal implications of market access and pricing.
  • Competition law and environmental sustainability: legal measures for eco-friendly practices.
  • Antitrust enforcement in the healthcare sector: legal challenges in healthcare mergers.

State aid and competition law in EU Dissertation Help

  • State aid and competition law: assessing government subsidies and market distortions.
  • State-owned enterprises and competition law: balancing public and private interests.
  • Competition law and the role of competition authorities: legal considerations in regulatory independence.
  • Antitrust in the media streaming industry: legal considerations in content licensing.
  • Antitrust enforcement in the airline industry: legal considerations in international competition.

Effects of competition law on consumers Thesis Examples

  • Competition law and consumer protection: balancing economic interests and public welfare.
  • Antitrust enforcement in the healthcare sector: legal challenges in pharmaceutical patents and pricing.
  • Competition law and market access: analyzing trade barriers and globalization.
  • Competition law and cybersecurity threats: legal strategies for protecting market integrity.
  • Competition law and sustainable development goals: legal strategies for promoting equity.

Competition law in financial services Project Ideas

  • Antitrust enforcement in the financial services sector: legal challenges in banking consolidation.
  • Competition law in the digital age: a critical analysis of antitrust enforcement.
  • Competition law and privacy regulation: legal implications for data-driven markets.
  • Antitrust in the automotive sector: legal aspects of innovation and market access.
  • Antitrust in the retail industry: legal challenges and pricing strategies.


Competition law is a dynamic field that offers a wide range of research topics, from antitrust regulations to the impact of emerging technologies on market competition. Students can explore various aspects of this area through unique research questions and compelling thesis topics, contributing to academic growth and real-world applications. At the undergraduate level, students typically pursue degrees in law, economics, or business, focusing on foundational legal principles. Master’s students often specialize in competition law or commercial law, diving deeper into complex regulatory issues, while doctoral students engage in advanced research, exploring niche areas like international antitrust law or digital market regulations. Overall, competition law provides exciting opportunities for students at all levels to contribute to the evolving landscape of global commerce.

There you go. Use the list of dissertation topics in competition law well, and let us know if you have any comments or suggestions for our topics-related blog posts for the future or want help with dissertation writing. send us an email at support@dissertationsage.co.uk.

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