
99 Corporate Governance Dissertation Topics & Research Titles

in Business, Corporate Governance

If you are a student searching for captivating dissertation topics in corporate governance, you have arrived at the right destination. Our extensive collection of topics is designed to inspire and guide you in your research journey. Corporate Governance is a code of conduct for business corporations worldwide, and our list provides a wide range of […]

If you are a student searching for captivating dissertation topics in corporate governance, you have arrived at the right destination. Our extensive collection of topics is designed to inspire and guide you in your research journey.

Corporate Governance is a code of conduct for business corporations worldwide, and our list provides a wide range of thought-provoking ideas to explore. Whether you are pursuing an undergraduate, master’s, or doctoral degree, our comprehensive list offers a diverse selection of research opportunities in the field of corporate governance. From examining board structures and executive compensation to exploring the impact of regulations and ethical practices, these topics provide a solid foundation for conducting in-depth research and making valuable contributions to the field. Select a topic that resonates with your interests and career aspirations and embark on your dissertation journey with confidence.

Corporate governance dissertation topics vary across the length and breadth of the corporate world. MBA dissertation topics in corporate governance range from financial misconduct to environmental negligence. Various scandals within the context of corporate governance have rocked the business world in the past few decades. The following is a compilation of the most recent issues related to corporate governance research topics.

List of Dissertation topics in corporate governance:

Researchers can easily find this post by searching a few more keywords like corporate governance project topics, corporate governance thesis topics or corporate governance topics for research.

Corporate governance and corporate social responsibility- a review on the differences and similarities between the two mechanisms.

The impact of external mechanisms on corporate governance of business organizations- review of literature.

The influence of corporate governance on firm dividend policy.

Corporate governance practices and their impact on CEO turnover.

The impact of corporate governance on firm performance: A case study of company xyz.

Corporate governance practices in non-profit organizations: Lessons from the sector.

Impact of corporate governance policies on voluntary corporate disclosure of listed companies in the UK.

Shareholder rights and their impact on corporate governance.

The role of corporate governance in managing ethical issues: A case study of company xyz.

The impact of corporate governance on firm internationalization.

Corporate governance and implications from and for financial reporting- the case of the UK listed companies.

The role of audit committees in enhancing corporate governance.

How effective have corporate governance practices been in social distancing of employees in the UK during the pandemic? Evidence from literature.

The influence of corporate governance on corporate social responsibility: A case study of company xyz.

Corporate governance and board structure composition- how significant is the effect of female representation for good corporate governance practice?

Corporate governance reforms and their impact on firm value.

The role of technology and digitalization in enhancing corporate governance post COVID-19.

An evaluation of the financial performance of firms opting for voluntary disclosure in the UK- is there a difference?

Institutional investors and their influence on corporate governance practices.

The influence of corporate governance on mergers and acquisitions: A case study of company xyz.

How is a concern for sustainability in the textiles sector shaping corporate governance policies in the UK? An online survey.

What are the best practices in corporate governance common across developed and developing countries? A literature review.

A quantitative analysis of the relationship between corporate governance and financial performance of UK-listed firms.

Corporate governance reforms in response to the COVID-19 crisis: Evaluating their effectiveness and long-term implications.

A literature review of corporate governance of firms post-crisis.

Corporate governance and firm innovation: An empirical analysis.

The role of corporate governance in attracting foreign direct investment.

Corporate governance and risk management strategies in the face of future pandemics or similar disruptions.

Corporate governance practices in family-owned businesses: Challenges and opportunities.

CEO succession and its effect on corporate governance.

Corporate governance of employees during online onboarding- what are the lessons to be learnt?

The effectiveness of whistleblower protection in promoting good corporate governance: A case study of company xyz.

How influential is corporate governance in financial policy formulation? Literature-based analysis.

The effect of corporate governance policies and practices on the financial performance of big corporations in developing economies.

How does corporate governance impact earnings in African markets?

The role of corporate boards in crisis management during the COVID-19 pandemic: A comparative analysis.

How do firms practicing accounting conservatism principles practice corporate governance? Evidence from literature.

Board diversity and its effect on corporate governance: A case study of company xyz.

What signifies corporate governance failure? Can the signs to total collapse be read and rectified? A review.

Corporate governance and executive compensation: A comparative study across industries.

The relationship between corporate governance policies, CEO decision making and CSR on disclosure quality of listed companies in Bangladesh.

Changes in corporate governance during Covid-19- a review.

Corporate governance of Islamic financial institutions operating in the UK- a primary investigation.

The role of corporate governance in managing risks: A case study of company xyz.

A comparative analysis of corporate governance policies and practices in the developed and developing economies.

An exploration of the comparative ethics of shareholders compared to management ethics- what matters and who decides?

‘Behind the scene’ investors’ impacts on corporate governance- review of literature.

The impact of corporate governance on firm internationalization: A case study of company xyz.

The relationship between corporate governance and corporate fraud.

Corporate governance practices in the banking sector: A case study of company xyz.

Does formal corporate governance structure and policy deter accounting fraud? A literature-based perspective of firms that have already engaged in corporate fraud practices.

How important is the concept of sustainability in corporate governance practices? Evidence from a developing/ developed country.

The role of independent directors in ensuring ethical corporate behavior.

How does the quality of corporate governance determine the financial distress of a firm? A qualitative discussion.

Shareholder activism and its impact on corporate governance: A case study of company xyz.

The impact of corporate governance on firm financial performance during economic crises.

The interpretation of corporate governance policies as an impact on negative and positive financial performance.

The role of institutional shareholders in corporate governance.

CEO accountability and corporate governance- evidence from the US.

Corporate governance best practices in the developing world- a unified perspective.

The influence of corporate governance on mergers and acquisitions.

Do corporate governance mechanisms breed or inhibit innovation? Evidence from across the globe.

The difference in voluntary corporate governance disclosure in developed and developing countries- a literature review.

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on corporate governance practices: Lessons learned and future implications.

CEO accountability, the influence of institutional investors and tax avoidance- impact on corporate governance practices in the UK.

The relationship between external auditor turnover and corporate governance.

The influence of remote work and virtual board meetings on corporate governance post COVID-19.

The effect of the COVID-19 crisis on executive compensation and corporate governance practices.

The role of corporate governance in managing corporate social responsibility.

How does financial distress impact corporate governance policies? A comparative review of global literature.

How do block holders impact corporate governance policies? Review from US corporations.

The impact of board independence on executive compensation: A case study of company xyz.

Corporate governance mechanisms and their impact on firm risk-taking.

Corporate governance in the European IT sector- trends and implications.

The influence of corporate governance on corporate sustainability practices.

Corporate governance practices in the retail industry: A case study of company xyz.

Corporate governance and sustainability in the post-pandemic era: Addressing environmental and social challenges.

The effectiveness of whistleblower protection in promoting good corporate governance.

Corporate governance practices in the technology industry: A case study of company xyz.

The accountability environment of organisations fostered by corporate governance structures- a qualitative assessment.

The influence of corporate governance on firm sustainability practices: A case study of company xyz.

Is the formulation of corporate governance policies of Islamic financial institutions similar to conventional banking corporate governance codes? A review.

Islamic Shari’ah and corporate governance- compatible or antagonistic?

Corporate governance and ethics- how has Covid-19 changed the balance?

The impact of shareholder activism on corporate governance practices in the post-COVID-19 landscape.

A systematic review of ‘good’ corporate governance policies and the reason for their encouragement.

The impact of corporate governance policies on internal and external auditing of firms across the globe- review of literature.

How do employees view corporate governance and the responsibility of their organisations during the pandemic? An online qualitative investigation.

Board independence and financial performance: A comparative study.

The impact of board diversity on corporate performance: A systematic review.

The role of corporate governance in ensuring business resilience and continuity during and after the COVID-19 pandemic.

Corporate governance practices in the healthcare sector: A case study of company xyz.

The role of audit committees in enhancing corporate governance: A case study of company xyz.

Corporate governance practices in emerging markets: A comparative analysis.

The role of corporate governance in managing cybersecurity risks.

The role of national and Government policies in fostering corporate governance environments in public companies.

The role of institutional investors in shaping corporate governance: A case study of company xyz.

An explorative analysis of the degree of compatibility between corporate social responsibility and corporate governance within the context of financial disclosures.

Are corporate governance standards a global phenomenon? Support from literature.

There you go. Use the list well and let us know if you have any comments or suggestions for our topics related blog posts for the future or looking to get help with dissertation writing, send us an email at care@dissertationsage.co.uk.

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