
in Anthropology

The study of anthropology is a social exercise that attempts to draw similarities and differences between people and their cultures from a global context. As such, it encompasses multiple sub-fields and avenues for study ranging from past people/ cultures to issues surrounding current people/ cultures. While this research of choosing current anthropology dissertation topics may […]

The study of anthropology is a social exercise that attempts to draw similarities and differences between people and their cultures from a global context. As such, it encompasses multiple sub-fields and avenues for study ranging from past people/ cultures to issues surrounding current people/ cultures. While this research of choosing current anthropology dissertation topics may prove daunting to some students given the sprawled interest base, it need not be so.

The following list of dissertation topics in anthropology is meant to provide you with a starting point, not necessarily to write but to enquire or perhaps to find your area of interest and from there you can follow your train of thought to produce exceptional anthropology thesis topics for research study while working on something of interest and relevance.

Anthropology has four subfields as described by the American anthropological association:

  • Archaeology: Archaeology topics examine the peoples and cultures of the past.
  • Biological Anthropology: Biological anthropology topics examine the specializes in evolution, genetics, and health.
  • Cultural Anthropology: Cultural anthropology topics studies human societies and elements of cultural life.
  • Linguistic Anthropology: Linguistic anthropology topics discuss a concentration of cultural anthropology that focuses on language in society.

The other keywords people use to search for topics are social anthropology topics and forensic anthropology topics.

List of Anthropology dissertation topics:

Before we get going, keep in mind that you’re supposed to use these anthropology research topics by changing a bit. These are sample topics and the chances are way higher that these topics have been used already.

Analyzing the intersectionality of race, class, and gender in shaping social inequalities.

How has the pandemic impacted traditional healing practices and healthcare systems in indigenous communities?

Is mental health a prerogative of biological anthropology in current times? A justification.

Cultural Responses to Urbanization and Displacement: A Case Study of the Roma Community in Romania.

The impact of ethnic tribes on power politics in developed countries- using the social anthropology lens to facilitate understanding.

The development of immunity to everyday violence- how does news of mass deaths in media impact people’s emotions?

What does domestic abuse in developed countries during the pandemic times tell us about the nature of development in this society? Developing an understanding.

Analyzing the role of art, music, and literature in expressing and shaping cultural identities.

How has the COVID-19 pandemic influenced cultural practices and rituals in different societies?

Human ecology and globalisation effects – a comparative review.

Attitudes towards waste in different societies- excerpts from social anthropology.

What are the cultural responses and adaptations to public health measures and restrictions implemented during the pandemic?

Why is a study of ancestry important? Understanding the need for family histories through the application of forensic anthropology.

Understanding ethics and morality through a study of anthropology.

The Impact of social media on Cultural Practices and Identity Construction among British Youth.

How has the pandemic influenced cultural perceptions and practices related to mental health and well-being?

Investigating the Cultural Significance of Language Revitalization Efforts in Indigenous Communities in Cornwall.

Analyzing the cultural dimensions of conflict, peacebuilding, and reconciliation.

The Cultural Significance of Traditional Festivals: A Case Study of the Carnival in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Has the anthropological application of development failed to eradicate poverty in Africa?

Cultural Perspectives on End-of-Life Care: A Case Study of Hospice Services in the UK.

Investigating the impact of globalization on traditional cultural practices and values.

Exploring the cultural constructions of disability and the experiences of disabled individuals.

Differences in the development of emotional regulation of children of ‘helicopter’ parents and ‘easy-going’ parents- a comparative exploration.

Investigating the cultural dimensions of migration and transnationalism.

Cultural Practices and Social Integration of Polish Migrants in the UK: A Case Study of Manchester.

Exploring Identity and Belonging among Immigrant Communities in London: A Case Study of the Bangladeshi Diaspora.

Power politics, administrative games and the anthropology of war.

Exploring the Cultural Significance of Traditional Sports and Games in Scotland: A Case Study of Highland Games.

Prehistoric life in the Jordanian deserts- a review of findings.

Why is a study of the varieties of gender regimes in different societies important in understanding the concept of family as a whole? A review of literature.

Investigating the Impact of Brexit on Cultural Diversity and Intercultural Relations in the UK.

Cultural Adaptations and Resilience in the Face of Climate Change: A Case Study of Inuit Communities in Canada.

The Impact of Tourism on Indigenous Communities: A Case Study of the Himba People in Namibia.

The effect of culture on language barrier perceptions and understanding of human emotions in developed societies- how can social anthropology help?

Cultural Perceptions of Mental Health and Healing: A Case Study of Traditional Medicine in Nepal.

Belarus, peacekeeping and refugee issues- a study specimen for anthropology.

Exploring the cultural construction of gender and sexuality across different societies.

The anthropology of disability and acceptance- a study of cultural perceptions towards physically disabled individuals.

Analyzing the cultural and social implications of new media and digital technologies.

What are the cultural implications of vaccine distribution and uptake during the COVID-19 pandemic?

Difference between gender and society in the UK as a complete monarchy compared to a unitary state.

War crimes and human rights violations- how can forensic anthropology light the way?

Understanding motivations for persistence in the sadness mood and implications for treatment of clinical depression in adults.

Interpretation of prehistoric information and its accuracy- where do we stand?

Analyzing the relationship between traditional knowledge systems and contemporary environmental challenges.

Cultural Representations of Gender and Sexuality in British Television: A Case Study of Queer Representation.

Analyzing the cultural dimensions of education and knowledge transmission.

Cultural Responses to Climate Change in Rural Wales: A Case Study of Farming Communities.

Gender equality in different religious societies during the formation of each religion- a review.

Exploring the cultural dimensions of healthcare practices and healing traditions.

How does anthropology contribute to expanding current knowledge of discrimination and bias toward ethnic settlements in the US?

The anthropology of queerness and social acceptance- where does the world really stand?

How can anthropology be used to explain the beneficial relationship between hosts and tourisms from an economic perspective?

Exploring the cultural responses to globalization and the preservation of local traditions.

Where does conspiracy theory during the Covid-19 pandemic stand in terms of anthropological explanations? Developing an understanding.

Is knowledge of self-developed in the same way as knowledge of others? Human ecology and biased perspectives.

Examining the social and cultural impacts of tourism on indigenous communities.

Examining the role of religion in shaping social and political dynamics in modern societies.

Youth employment studies within the anthropology environment- a study.

Examining the social and cultural dynamics of food production, consumption, and globalization.

What factors related to human ecology prompt safety awareness among young female online browsers in socially restricted societies? A survey.

Facebook language- how has it shaped global youth social anthropology.

Is application of anthropological methods to study designs an effective way of studying the spread of infectious disease in least economically developed countries? The persistence of diarrhea in Africa.

How is urban planning impactful on crime planning in a broad human ecological context?

How has the pandemic affected the cultural perceptions and experiences of illness, death, and mourning?

Why is the media portrayal of the Jewish Holocaust more important than the genocide of the Rohingya Muslims of Myanmar? An anthropological explanation.

Exploring Gender Roles and Expectations: A Case Study of Balinese Society in Indonesia.

Cultural Perceptions and Experiences of Mental Health among British South Asian Communities.

Exploring Cultural Perceptions and Practices of Parenting in Contemporary British Society.

What are the social and cultural implications of pandemic-related misinformation and conspiracy theories in different societies?

Has biological anthropology exhausted prehistoric secrets? A review of recent studies.

Investigating the relationship between language, culture, and identity formation.

The anthropology of social media to promote specific agendas and awareness of people- a survey.

Examining the cultural meanings and practices associated with death and mourning rituals.

Analyzing the role of material culture in shaping social relationships and identities.

What are the social effects of belief in occult practices in shaping specific societies? Comparative reviews.

The Role of Museums in Shaping Cultural Representations and Identity: A Case Study of the British Museum.

An anthropology-based discussion on general uncertainty in the pandemic era.

Developing an understanding for the integration of refugees into the European social fabric- and consequences.

The Role of Indigenous Knowledge in Environmental Conservation: A Case Study of the Maasai Community in Kenya.

Famine in Africa and displacement of populations- an anthropological exploration of causes and effects.

Differences in approach to emotional regulation between ages of individuals/ gender- a chronological understanding of the development of human ecology.

Ritual Practices and Social Cohesion: A Case Study of the Navajo Blessingway Ceremony in the United States.

Examining the Cultural Implications of Food and Eating Habits in Contemporary British Society.

How relevant are current anthropological methods to studying spread of disease? A study on Covid-19.

Investigating the social and cultural impacts of humanitarian interventions and development projects.

How has flexible working impacted gender discrimination in the virtual workplace? A survey.

Investigating the impacts of climate change on indigenous communities and their cultural heritage.

Exploring Cultural Dynamics and Identity Formation among Young People in Multicultural Schools in Birmingham.

How helpful have private fishermen been in providing evidence from submerged prehistoric findings in the Netherlands?

Cultural Perceptions of Disability and Inclusion: A Case Study of Disabled Individuals in Ghana.

Sexual violence and masculinity- is it concerned solely with cultural anthropology?

Exploring cultural identity and belonging among migrant communities in a globalized world.

Can social networking help poor people improve their economic uncertainty? A review on literature.

Social anthropology in the age of the Internet- how well has the world globalized to a universal culture?

Emotional regulation in response to extreme emotions- a gendered study of human ecology.

Witchcraft in the Middle Ages and explanations through social anthropology- any new insights?

The application of social anthropology to understand the impacts of tourism on the social plight of Africans.

What are the cultural responses and adaptations to online learning and remote education during the pandemic?

How has the pandemic affected social interactions and community dynamics in urban settings?

Investigating the role of rituals and ceremonies in shaping community cohesion and identity.

How does anthropology contribute to expanding on current knowledge of discrimination and bias towards ethnic settlements in the US?

How does social anthropology explain the development of gender identity and its personal identification in teenage years?

What are the social and cultural impacts of remote work and online communication during the pandemic?

Investigating the cultural perceptions and practices related to mental health and well-being.

Why are human rights violated? A global study of the different continents and human rights violations using forensic anthropology.

The Role of Festivals and Celebrations in Preserving Cultural Heritage: A Case Study of Notting Hill Carnival in London.

Exploring the cultural responses to urbanization and the transformation of urban spaces.

Exploring Cultural Identity and Belonging among Syrian Refugees: A Case Study in Germany.

There you go. Use the list well and let us know if you have any comments or suggestions for our topics related blog posts for the future or looking to get help with dissertation writing, send us an email at care@dissertationsage.co.uk.

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