
99 Economic Geography Dissertation Topics for 2025

in Economic Geography, Economics

When it comes to dissertation topics in economic geography, studying economic activities from a geographical perspective is the main focus. For students, selecting the right dissertation topic is crucial, with good research questions laying the groundwork for a successful thesis. Here are some commonly asked questions from students researching dissertation topics in Economic Geography, based […]

When it comes to dissertation topics in economic geography, studying economic activities from a geographical perspective is the main focus. For students, selecting the right dissertation topic is crucial, with good research questions laying the groundwork for a successful thesis.

Here are some commonly asked questions from students researching dissertation topics in Economic Geography, based on trends we’ve seen across multiple forums. This post will help you identify key themes and trending research areas.

  • What are some recent researchable topics in economic geography for a PhD thesis?
  • What are the most trending research proposal ideas for economic geography at the undergraduate level in 2025?
  • Can you suggest unique and potential economic geography dissertation topics focusing on urban development for the UK?
  • What are the most innovative research paper topics in economic geography for an MSc project in 2025?


Economic geography, also known as economic spatial science, offers unique subjects for your thesis. Whether you’re exploring the spatial distribution of industries or the impact of globalization, there are many interesting research ideas and examples to choose from. This field is full of possibilities for your research proposal.

The following list of dissertation topics in economic geography addresses subjects related to trade routes, geographical location, and strategic industrial positions, ensuring you’ll find project topics that are both relevant and engaging for your research paper.

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A List of economic geography topics:

The following is a compilation of the most trending topics in economics geography:

Global trade patterns: economic geography thesis topics

  • The influence of political geography on cross-border trade.
  • The impact of border regions on cross-border trade and cooperation.
  • Investigating the role of logistics clusters in global trade.

Urbanization and its impact on economic geography: research proposal titles

  • Analyzing the influence of urban form on transportation patterns.
  • Examining the effects of climate change on agricultural regions.
  • The economic impact of return migrants and their professional adjustment- implications for emerging economies.

Economic geography dissertation topics focusing on globalization

  • Investigating the impact of logistics hubs on regional development.
  • The impact of social networks on entrepreneurship geography.
  • Analyzing the impact of transportation costs on trade patterns.

The influence of transportation on regional economies: project ideas in economic geography

  • Evaluating the spatial distribution of urban agriculture.
  • The impact of transportation innovations on mobility geography.
  • Investigating the impact of transportation infrastructure on trade competitiveness.

The role of technology in economic geography research paper topics

  • The influence of digitalization on the geography of remote work.
  • Examining the geography of innovation in sustainable technologies.
  • How will the internet and e-commerce change the geography of financial economics? An investigation.

Economic geography dissertation ideas related to climate change

  • A systematic review of the impact of climate change on local economic geography in the UK.
  • Evaluating the geography of innovation in developing countries.
  • The impact of climate change on regional economic resilience.

Cultural factors in economic geography thesis research questions

  • The influence of cultural landscapes on tourism development.
  • The influence of cultural geography on consumer preferences.
  • The impact of cultural factors on the location of creative industries.

Comparative economic geography dissertation topics across countries

  • A comparative analysis of regional economic diversification.
  • A comparative analysis of economic corridors in Asia.
  • A comparative review of innovation ecosystems in global technology hubs.

Economic geography and environmental sustainability: research proposal examples

  • A review of the economic geography of renewable energy production and consumption.
  • Analyzing the spatial dynamics of renewable energy transitions.
  • Evaluating the geography of circular economy initiatives.

The political economy of regions: dissertation help in economic geography

  • The effects of trade agreements on regional economic disparities.
  • The role of regional economic policies on industrial clusters in the UK.
  • The effect of housing affordability on migration patterns in the UK.

Economic geography research topics in agricultural economics

  • Examining the effects of trade agreements on agricultural geography.
  • Analyzing the spatial distribution of global agricultural markets.
  • The impact of transportation infrastructure on the agricultural trade.

Rural vs. urban economic geography: thesis topics and examples

  • A comparative analysis of food deserts in urban and rural areas.
  • The effect of gentrification on neighborhood economic geography.
  • The spatial distribution of manufacturing industries in emerging economies.

Economic geography and its effects on national policies: project research questions

  • The influence of regional governance on economic disparities.
  • Investigating the role of agglomeration economies in high-tech clusters.
  • How has the decline in the urban-rural divide led to economic change in the UK?

Historical economic geography: thesis ideas and research proposals

  • The theoretical perspectives of economic geography- a review.
  • How has the concept of economic geography evolved through incorporation into higher studies?
  • Exploring the historical roots of global economic systems in the industrial age.

Economic geography dissertation titles on financial markets

  • A review of the geography of financial inclusion in rural areas.
  • Investigating the spatial distribution of global financial centers.
  • The geography of global commodity chains and financial markets.

Migration patterns and economic geography research paper topics

  • The economic impact of migration from developed to developing countries- literature review.
  • The effects of refugee migration on local labor markets.
  • The impact of migration on labor market geography.

Natural resource distribution in economic geography: project examples

  • A review of the economic geography of natural resource extraction.
  • The geography of oil and gas resource distribution worldwide.
  • Analyzing the impact of natural disasters on regional economic resilience.

The role of education in shaping economic geography research questions

  • The spatial distribution of manufacturing industries in emerging economies.
  • Investigating the geography of healthcare access.
  • The role of education in shaping sustainable economic policies.

Exploring economic geography in developing countries: research paper ideas

  • A comparative analysis of regional development in Africa.
  • Evaluating the spatial distribution of urban agriculture.
  • Evaluating the geography of informal economies in cities.

Economic geography in the context of international development: research proposal titles

  • The role of industrial institutions in shaping national economics- review of the UK.
  • The impact of special economic zones on regional development.
  • Investigating the role of social capital in regional resilience.

Spatial analysis of economic sectors: thesis topics in economic geography

  • Investigating the spatial dynamics of agro-food systems.
  • Exploring the geography of global supply chains.
  • Evaluating the spatial dynamics of global trade flows.

Economic geography dissertation topics on labor markets

  • The influence of neighborhood characteristics on housing prices.
  • The effect of social networks on entrepreneurship geography.
  • The influence of trade liberalization on export-oriented industries.

Ecological economics and economic geography: research paper research questions

  • Analyzing the spatial dynamics of renewable energy transitions.
  • Evaluating the geography of circular economy initiatives.
  • Exploring the economic geography of the circular economy.


Economic geography offers unique research topics for students at all levels. Undergraduate students pursue degrees like Geography or Environmental Studies, while master’s and doctoral students focus on Economic Geography or Spatial Economics. This field provides engaging thesis topics and research ideas, offering ample opportunities for creating strong research papers and proposals.

There you go. Use the list of economic geography dissertation topics well and let us know if you have any comments or suggestions for our topics-related blog posts for the future or are looking to get help with dissertation writing, send us an email at support@dissertationsage.co.uk.

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