
99 Top Islamic Finance Dissertation Topics for 2025

in Finance, Islamic Finance

Islamic finance dissertation topics are gaining importance as the concept has generated extensive interest within the context of finance and business. With the increasing demand for Sharia-compliant financial products and services, students are exploring how Islamic principles can be applied to modern economic systems. There is a range of Master’s level research topics in Islamic […]

Islamic finance dissertation topics are gaining importance as the concept has generated extensive interest within the context of finance and business. With the increasing demand for Sharia-compliant financial products and services, students are exploring how Islamic principles can be applied to modern economic systems. There is a range of Master’s level research topics in Islamic finance, but the topics can also be modified for other academic levels. These topics can range from Islamic banking models and risk management in Islamic finance to the socio-economic impact of Islamic microfinance. With growing global attention on ethical finance, Islamic finance provides a fertile area for academic exploration.

Here are some examples of frequently asked questions (FAQs) we have accumulated from different websites and forums that Islamic Finance dissertation topics students often ask while researching the research topics in Finance. Many students are curious about what areas to focus on for their research papers or proposals, and we’re here to help. Below, you’ll find a selection of common inquiries that can guide you in finding compelling project topics in the field of Islamic banking and finance.

  • What are the most researchable topics in Islamic finance for an undergraduate dissertation in the UK?
  • Are there any trending project topics in Islamic finance for a Master’s thesis?
  • Can you suggest unique Islamic finance thesis topics for a PhD or postdoctoral program in 2025?
  • What Islamic finance issue should I do my dissertation or research proposal on?


Students can delve into specific subfields like Islamic corporate finance, Sukuk (Islamic bonds), or Takaful (Islamic insurance), which align well with current trends and new topics in sustainable and ethical investing. As these areas gain prominence, research projects can investigate how Islamic finance compares with conventional financial systems, particularly in terms of risk management, profit-sharing models, and compliance with regulatory frameworks. Foreign students, especially those studying in countries like the UK or USA, might find Islamic finance research a compelling area to bridge their cultural and academic experiences while also contributing to a global understanding of financial systems.

Islamic finance research topics also intersect with global trends like fintech innovation, cryptocurrency, and green finance, offering exciting study opportunities. Students could explore the role of Islamic principles in the regulation of digital currencies or the integration of Islamic finance in green investments. These intersections provide valuable ideas for research papers, PhD theses, or postdoctoral studies, allowing students to contribute to both Islamic finance and broader financial markets. Whether examining regional differences or the impact of governance in Islamic financial institutions, these topics offer practical and academic relevance in today’s financial landscape.

The following list contains the relevant and popular trending Islamic finance dissertation topics. Please feel free to browse through the list to choose what you want to write about:

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A list of dissertation topics in Islamic finance:

Islamic Banking Models: Dissertation Topics and Research Proposal Ideas

  • Sharia compliance and corporate social responsibility: A study of UK-based Islamic financial institutions.
  • Are customers of Islamic banking satisfied? A comparative investigation with traditional banking customers.
  • A study on why Islamic finance is not THE LAW in Muslim countries.
  • Analyzing the financial performance of Islamic vs. conventional banks in the UK.
  • Comparative analysis of Islamic and conventional banking: A literature review.

Sharia-compliant Financial Products: Thesis Ideas and Dissertation Research Questions

  • Profit sharing, Interest and related theoretical assumptions in Islamic finance- an overview.
  • The role of Islamic finance in sustainable energy investments.
  • The effect of Sharia-compliant financing on small and medium enterprises in the UK.
  • Smart financial products in view of Islamic finance- permissible or prohibited?
  • Islamic finance and risk-sharing- a literary overview.

Sukuk (Islamic Bonds): Research Paper Examples and Dissertation Help

  • The potential of Sukuk market development in the UK: A comparative analysis.
  • A comprehensive review of Sukuk structures and market trends.
  • What is Sukuk? Generating a factual understanding for this term and its importance within Islamic banking.
  • Sukuk market development and its impact on infrastructure financing.

Takaful (Islamic Insurance): Project Topics and Research Proposal Titles

  • A critical review of Takaful (Islamic insurance) models and practices.
  • Takaful models and risk-sharing mechanisms: An in-depth analysis.

Risk Management in Islamic Finance: Research Proposal Ideas and Thesis Topics

  • An analysis of the risk management practices in Islamic banks operating in the UK.
  • A systematic review of the risk management practices in Islamic banking.
  • Islamic derivatives and risk management: An exploratory study.

Socio-economic Development and Islamic Microfinance: Hot Topics and Dissertation Titles

  • Measuring financial inclusion through Islamic microfinance: A comparative analysis.
  • The role of Islamic microfinance in promoting financial inclusion in the UK.
  • A review of Islamic microfinance models and their impact on poverty alleviation.
  • The role of Islamic microfinance in post-COVID-19 economic recovery and poverty alleviation.

Islamic Wealth Management: Dissertation Examples and Research Proposal Research Questions

  • The role of Islamic finance in promoting financial literacy and education.
  • The role of Waqf in promoting social and economic development in Islamic finance.

Islamic Financial Markets and Instruments: Project Ideas and Dissertation Research Questions

  • A review of financial instruments in Islamic capital markets.
  • A critical analysis of the efficiency and competitiveness of Islamic financial markets.
  • Islamic finance, impact on conventional capital markets- a review of the UK.
  • Islamic capital markets post-COVID-19: Adaptation and innovation.

Corporate Governance in Islamic Financial Institutions: Thesis Research Questions and Review Topics

  • The relationship between corporate governance and financial performance in Islamic banks.
  • Perspectives of corporate governance in Islamic financial institutions through an overview of contextual literature.
  • Comparative analysis of Sharia governance models in Islamic financial institutions.

Comparative Analysis between Conventional and Islamic Finance: Research Proposal Topics and Dissertation Help

  • A qualitative investigation on how non-Muslim finance experts working in Islamic financial institutions in the UK perceive Islamic finance practices.
  • Reconciliation of dual banking systems within a Muslim majority country- evidence from Pakistan/ Malaysia.
  • A comparative study of Islamic and conventional venture capital financing.

Islamic Financial Regulation and Compliance: Thesis Titles and Research Paper Topics

  • The role of central banks in regulating and promoting Islamic finance.
  • Analyzing the implications of the COVID-19 pandemic on Sharia compliance in Islamic finance.
  • The regulatory response to the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on Islamic finance.

Islamic Finance: Project Research Questions and Dissertation Ideas

  • Justification of cryptocurrency in Islamic finance- what does Islamic law guide?
  • Is crowdfunding permissible through Sharia? Evidence from the Islamic finance literature.

Digital Transformation and Islamic Fintech: Research Paper Ideas and Thesis Examples

  • Sharia compliance and fintech innovations: Challenges and opportunities.
  • Exploring the feasibility of Islamic REITs in real estate financing.
  • Digital transformation in Islamic banking post-COVID-19: Opportunities and challenges.

Green Finance and Sustainability in Islamic Finance: Dissertation Research Questions and Project Titles

  • The role of Islamic finance in supporting the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
  • Exploring the role of Islamic finance in sustainable energy investments.
  • The potential for Islamic finance to support sustainable development in emerging markets.
  • Justification of the Islamic financial doctrine through sustainability factors- a review of the literature.

Islamic Finance and Social Responsibility: Thesis Research Questions and Dissertation Titles

  • Corporate social responsibility in an Islamic financial environment- a detailed literature-based review.
  • Evaluating the role of ethics and social responsibility in Islamic finance institutions.
  • Assessing the ethical implications of Islamic finance in the UK context.

Islamic Capital Markets: Dissertation Ideas and Research Paper Titles

  • Evaluating the performance of Islamic real estate investment trusts (REITs) in different markets.
  • Islamic capital market development in the UK: Opportunities and challenges.

Ethical Investing in Islamic Finance: Project Ideas and Research Proposal Examples

  • Ethical investments and Islamic finance: A study of socially responsible investment (SRI) in Islamic markets.
  • Sharia-compliant ethical investing and its potential for growth in the global financial market.

Poverty Alleviation and Islamic Financial Inclusion: Dissertation Research Questions and Project Topics

  • The role of Islamic finance in poverty alleviation and income inequality reduction.
  • Investigating the salient features of Islamic economics, impact on finance and the capitalist environment.

Islamic Finance and Global Economic Development: Thesis Titles and Research Proposal Research Questions

  • Evaluating the impact of Islamic banking on economic development in OIC countries.
  • The role of Islamic finance in fostering economic stability and growth.

Islamic Finance in Emerging Markets: Dissertation Titles and Research Paper Examples

  • Mapping economic growth in Malaysia as an extension of Islamic financial policies.
  • An exploration of the role of Islamic finance in a global environment.

Zakat and Islamic Philanthropy in Finance: Thesis Ideas and Project Examples

  • The role of Zakat and Sadaqah in promoting social welfare through Islamic finance.
  • The role of Waqf in promoting social and economic development in Islamic finance.

Islamic Finance and Gender Equality: Research Proposal Research Questions and Hot Topics

  • Exploring the role of Islamic finance in addressing domestic violence within Muslim communities.
  • The relevance of Islamic banking experience to career prospects and job opportunities for Islamic bankers in capitalist societies- investigating the scenario.

Islamic Economics and Monetary Policy: Research Paper Topics and Dissertation Help

  • A theological context for the distinction between Capitalism and the Islamic financial community- evidence through literature.
  • The development and acceptance of Islamic finance features in a Capitalist society- searching for answers.

Behavioral Finance in Islamic Banking: Thesis Examples and Research Proposal Titles

  • A comparative analysis of investment objectives among traditional and Sukuk investors through the Theory of Planned Behaviour.
  • The impact of cultural differences on the adoption of Islamic finance: A cross-country analysis.

Islamic Finance and Global Financial Crises: Research Paper Titles and Dissertation Ideas

  • The impact of Brexit on Islamic finance and its implications for the UK market.
  • The impact of financial crises on Islamic financial instruments and markets.


In conclusion, Islamic finance dissertation topics offer a diverse range of opportunities for students to explore the growing intersection of finance, business, and Shariah-compliant principles. With a variety of research areas available, including Islamic banking, Sukuk, Takaful, and the integration of Islamic finance with contemporary innovations like fintech, these topics provide a rich platform for academic inquiry. By investigating these fields, students can contribute to the understanding of Islamic finance’s role in global markets and its potential to promote ethical and sustainable financial practices.

There you go. Use the list of Islamic finance dissertation topics well and let us know if you have any comments or suggestions for our topics-related blog posts for the future or looking to get help with dissertation writing, send us an email at support@dissertationsage.co.uk.

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