
99 Top OBG Nursing Dissertation Topics for 2025

in Nursing, OBG Nursing

As a student in Obstetric and gynecological (OBG) Nursing, finding the right dissertation topic can be challenging. To help you get started, I’ve compiled a list of popular questions students are asking when exploring recent and researchable topics for their dissertations. Which trending OBG topics are gaining attention for Master’s dissertations? What are some new […]

As a student in Obstetric and gynecological (OBG) Nursing, finding the right dissertation topic can be challenging. To help you get started, I’ve compiled a list of popular questions students are asking when exploring recent and researchable topics for their dissertations.

  • Which trending OBG topics are gaining attention for Master’s dissertations?
  • What are some new areas of researchable interest in OBG for a PhD thesis?
  • How can one choose A+ Obstetric and Gynecological (OBG) dissertation topics?
  • How can I find the best OBG dissertation topics for my thesis?


Welcome! If you’re a student looking for captivating dissertation topics in OBG (Obstetric and Gynecological) nursing, you’re in the right spot. We understand the importance of choosing a compelling research topic that aligns with your academic interests and contributes to the field of OBG nursing. Whether you’re focusing on obstetric care, gynecological conditions, women’s health issues, or the intersection of nursing and reproductive healthcare, our list will assist you in finding an engaging and relevant research topic for your dissertation.

With our comprehensive list of dissertation topics, you can explore the latest developments, emerging trends, and critical issues in OBG nursing. Whether you are pursuing an undergraduate, master’s, or doctoral degree, we are here to provide you with a range of potential research areas to inspire and guide your dissertation journey in OBG nursing.

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List of OBG (Obstetric and Gynecological) nursing dissertation topics

Maternal and Child Health Nursing

  • Understanding the experiences of women with disabilities in accessing OBG healthcare services.
  • Investigating the experiences of women with perinatal mood and anxiety disorders and the role of OBG nurses in providing support.
  • Exploring the use of technology in enhancing prenatal care and monitoring.
  • The impact of COVID-19 on maternal and neonatal outcomes in OBG nursing.
  • Addressing the mental health needs of pregnant and postpartum women in the context of COVID-19.
  • Exploring the role of OBG nurses in promoting reproductive justice and women’s rights.
  • Addressing the healthcare disparities and inequalities in OBG nursing practice.
  • Investigating the impact of personalized care plans on improving maternal and neonatal outcomes.

Prenatal and Antenatal Care

  • Exploring the implementation and outcomes of a comprehensive prenatal care program in a specific healthcare setting: A case study.
  • Investigating the disparities in access to and utilization of reproductive health services among women from different socioeconomic backgrounds.
  • Exploring the use of complementary and alternative therapies in OBG nursing practice.
  • Assessing the impact of prenatal education programs on maternal and neonatal outcomes.
  • Examining the effectiveness of antenatal education programs on maternal and fetal well-being.
  • Exploring the role of mobile health applications in improving prenatal and postpartum care.
  • Investigating the effectiveness of innovative prenatal care technologies on maternal and fetal health outcomes.
  • Exploring the potential of artificial intelligence and machine learning in enhancing prenatal care and risk assessment.

Labor and Delivery Nursing

  • Investigating the implementation and outcomes of a nurse-led continuous labor support program: A case study.
  • Investigating the factors influencing women’s decision-making about birth interventions.
  • The effectiveness of different pain management techniques during labor and delivery in OBG nursing.
  • Promoting evidence-based practices for pain management during labor and delivery.
  • Exploring the use of simulation-based training for OBG nurses in managing obstetric emergencies.
  • Investigating the use of alternative birthing positions and practices in OBG nursing care.
  • Comparing the effectiveness of different pain management techniques in labor and delivery in OBG nursing.

Postpartum Care and Nursing Interventions

  • Analyzing the utilization and effectiveness of postpartum contraception methods in OBG nursing practice.
  • Evaluating the impact of midwife-led postnatal care on maternal satisfaction and postpartum outcomes in the UK.
  • Reviewing the impact of nurse-led home visiting programs on maternal and infant health outcomes.
  • Exploring the role of nurse-led support groups on maternal mental health in the postpartum period.
  • Enhancing breastfeeding support and education in the postpartum period.
  • Investigating the long-term effects of COVID-19 infection on reproductive health and fertility.

High-Risk Pregnancies

  • Understanding the experiences of women with high-risk pregnancies in the antenatal period.
  • Investigating the variations in maternal and fetal outcomes among women with gestational diabetes across different healthcare settings.
  • Investigating the factors influencing women’s decision-making about vaginal birth after cesarean (VBAC).
  • Exploring the experiences and challenges of women with high-risk pregnancies: A case study.
  • Assessing the effectiveness of collaborative care models in managing high-risk pregnancies.
  • Exploring the experiences and needs of women with high-risk pregnancies in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Neonatal Nursing and Neonatal Intensive Care (NICU)

  • Improving perinatal bereavement support for parents who experience pregnancy loss.
  • Investigating the impact of nurse-led interventions on reducing the incidence of maternal and neonatal infections.
  • Investigating the effectiveness of enhanced prenatal screening and diagnostic technologies on maternal and fetal outcomes.
  • Investigating the impact of trauma-informed care on the well-being of survivors of intimate partner violence.

Reproductive Health and Family Planning

  • Investigating the factors influencing women’s choices for contraceptive methods.
  • Understanding the experiences of women with infertility and the role of OBG nursing in supporting them.
  • Assessing the effectiveness of nurse-led clinics in promoting sexual and reproductive health among adolescents in the UK.
  • Exploring the role of OBG nurses in promoting sexual and reproductive health among adolescents.

Gynecological Nursing

  • Exploring the role of OBG nurses in advocating for policy changes to improve maternal and infant health.
  • Reviewing the integration of evidence-based practices into routine OBG nursing care.
  • Investigating the effectiveness of integrative and complementary therapies in OBG nursing practice.

Oncology Nursing in Gynecology

  • Investigating the role of community-based interventions in addressing maternal and infant health disparities.
  • Exploring innovative strategies for improving patient education and engagement in prenatal care.

Ethical and Legal Issues in Obstetric and Gynecological Nursing

  • Comparing the implementation and adherence to evidence-based practice guidelines in OBG nursing across different healthcare settings.
  • Addressing the disparities and inequities in OBG nursing care exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Obstetric Nursing Informatics

  • Exploring the use of telemedicine in expanding access to specialized OBG care services.
  • Investigating the utilization of telehealth and virtual care in OBG nursing post-COVID-19.
  • Examining the role of nurse-led prenatal counseling in enhancing informed decision-making for pregnant women with complex medical conditions: A systematic review.


In conclusion, the dynamic field of OBG nursing reveals both formidable challenges and promising opportunities. By delving into the diverse aspects of women’s healthcare experiences, advancements in nursing practices, and emerging innovations, we uncover a nuanced understanding of this vital discipline. Addressing existing disparities, refining care models, and integrating cutting-edge technologies are essential for advancing maternal and neonatal health outcomes. As we persist in exploring and applying evidence-based strategies and innovative solutions, OBG nursing will continue to lead in fostering women’s health and well-being. These findings not only enhance our current practices but also lay the groundwork for future progress in the field.

Please note that these dissertation topics can be tailored or combined to align with your specific research interests and objectives in OBG nursing. Use the list well and let us know if you have any comments or suggestions for our topics related blog posts for the future or looking to get help with dissertation writing, ssend us an email at support@dissertationsage.co.uk.

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