
99 Top Innovation Management Dissertation Topics for 2025

in Innovation Management, Management

If you are a student embarking on the exciting journey of writing a Research Paper, Research Proposal, or dissertation in Innovation Management, and looking for Research questions, thesis topics, or project topics, you have arrived at the perfect destination. Whether you are pursuing an undergraduate, master’s, or doctoral degree in the UK or elsewhere, selecting […]

If you are a student embarking on the exciting journey of writing a Research Paper, Research Proposal, or dissertation in Innovation Management, and looking for Research questions, thesis topics, or project topics, you have arrived at the perfect destination. Whether you are pursuing an undergraduate, master’s, or doctoral degree in the UK or elsewhere, selecting a unique, interesting, and good dissertation topic is essential to demonstrate your expertise and make a valuable contribution to the field.

We’ve collected some frequently asked questions (FAQs) from different websites and forums that students exploring dissertation topics in Innovation Management often ask. If you’re looking for relevant and trending ideas, this post will provide valuable insights.

  • What are some trending dissertation topics in Innovation Management for PhD students in 2024?
  • Can you suggest unique research proposal ideas for Innovation Management undergraduate projects in the UK?
  • What are some potential thesis topics in Innovation Management for MSc students that are researchable?
  • Are there any recent Innovation Management project topics suitable for a BSc dissertation?


Innovation management is a dynamic and evolving discipline that has gained widespread academic interest in the past few years. Research topics on innovation management explore the vital role of innovation as the lifeblood of organizations in today’s competitive landscape. Understanding how to effectively manage and foster innovation is crucial for success. As a result, dissertation topics in this area often align closely with change management, focusing on various aspects such as businesses, products, processes, and organizational structures to manage innovation.

This blog aims to inspire you and provide a comprehensive list of Research Paper and dissertation topics that span various dimensions of innovation management. From exploring innovative strategies to examining the role of leadership and technology, these examples will enable you to delve into the theoretical frameworks, practical applications, and real-world implications of managing innovation. The following is a compilation of innovation management thesis topics to help generate ideas for constructing a strong paper or Research Proposal. So, buckle up and embark on this transformative journey of exploring, analyzing, and advancing the field of Innovation Management.

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List of dissertation topics in innovation management

Emerging Trends in Innovation Management

  • a framework for innovation management in a digital world- perspectives of uk organizations
  • analyzing the role of government policies and initiatives in promoting innovation in the uk: a case study Approach
  • examining the impact of Brexit on innovation management in the UK: a case study of the challenges and opportunities
  • how has the UK healthcare sector used technology to manage process innovations? a primary study

Leadership’s Role in Driving Innovation

  • investigating the role of leadership in driving innovation: a comparative study of transformational and transactional leadership styles
  • investigating the role of leadership in fostering a culture of innovation: a systematic review
  • reviewing the role of leadership in Driving Organizational Innovation: an analysis of Theoretical perspectives
  • analyzing the impact of innovation leadership on employee creativity and innovation outcomes

The Impact of Technology on Innovation

  • exploring the role of artificial intelligence in enhancing innovation management processes
  • investigating the role of disruptive technologies in driving innovation in the healthcare industry
  • the role of digital innovation in transforming business models post-covid: a comparative analysis
  • analyzing the impact of digitalization on innovation management practices in the service sector

Strategies for Managing Innovation

  • analyzing the challenges and strategies for managing innovation in multinational corporations
  • exploring the challenges and strategies for managing disruptive innovation in established organizations
  • a case for innovation management in organizations with limited finance- the case of uk craft industries
  • analyzing the similarities and differences in innovation strategies employed by high-tech and traditional industries

Innovation and Organizational Change

  • investigating the impact of organizational structure on innovation management: a comparative study of centralized and decentralized approaches
  • analyzing the influence of organizational culture on innovation adoption and implementation
  • examining the relationship between leadership style and innovation outcomes: a quantitative analysis in the technology sector
  • assessing the impact of organizational culture on innovation performance: an empirical study of manufacturing firms

Open Innovation

  • the role of open innovation in fostering technological advancements: a comparative analysis of different industries
  • analyzing the open innovation approach of procter & gamble: a case study of the connect + develop program
  • assessing the effectiveness of internal and external sources of innovation: a comparative study of open and closed innovation approaches
  • exploring the role of open innovation in addressing the challenges posed by the covid-19 pandemic

Case Studies in Innovation Management

  • analyzing the innovation strategy of apple inc.: a case study of disruptive product development
  • investigating the innovation strategy of amazon: a case study of disruptive e-commerce and technological advancements
  • examining the innovation management practices of uber technologies inc.: a case study of disruptive business models
  • examining the innovation management practices of tesla inc.: a case study of sustainable automotive innovation

Knowledge Management and Innovation

  • examining the relationship between knowledge management and innovation: a systematic review
  • assessing the impact of knowledge management practices on innovation performance: a quantitative analysis in the healthcare industry
  • analyzing the role of knowledge management in supporting innovation processes: a comprehensive review
  • assessing the role of social networks in facilitating knowledge sharing and innovation

Government Policies and Innovation

  • analyzing the role of government policies and innovation ecosystems in fostering innovation: a review of the literature
  • investigating the role of government policies and initiatives in promoting innovation and recovery post-covid
  • assessing the role of intellectual property rights in stimulating innovation in the uk: a case study of patenting activities
  • examining the impact of government funding programs on innovation performance in uk small and medium-sized enterprises (smes): a case study analysis

Innovation Ecosystems

  • investigating the innovation ecosystem of silicon valley: a case study of key players and their collaborative practices
  • analyzing the innovation ecosystem in the uk: a comparative analysis of key players and their collaborative practices
  • assessing the role of Innovation Ecosystems in promoting regional Innovation
  • investigating the role of industry clusters in fostering innovation in the uk: A Comparative Case Study Approach


Innovation Management is a vital field of study, shaping how organizations thrive in competitive markets by fostering creativity and managing change effectively. Students pursuing degrees in this area can choose from a variety of academic paths, including undergraduate programs in Business or Management, master’s degrees such as an MSc in Innovation and Entrepreneurship, and doctoral studies like a PhD in Innovation Management. These programs equip students with the skills to explore research questions, tackle unique and interesting thesis topics, and develop impactful research proposals. Whether investigating leadership’s role in driving innovation or analyzing technological advancements, these degrees prepare students to contribute valuable insights to both academia and industry. Ultimately, the study of Innovation Management empowers individuals to lead transformative initiatives and advance organizational success in dynamic environments.

There you go. Use the list for innovation management dissertation topics well and let us know if you have any comments or suggestions for our topics-related blog posts for the future or looking to get help with dissertation writing, send us an email at support@dissertationsage.co.uk.

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