
99 Top Oil and Gas Management Dissertation Topics for 2025

in Management, Oil and Gas Management

If you are a student in the field of oil and gas management and are searching for compelling dissertation topics, Research questions, and Thesis topics, you have come to the right place. Whether you are an undergraduate, master’s, or doctoral student in the UK or elsewhere, selecting a dissertation topic that aligns with your interests […]

If you are a student in the field of oil and gas management and are searching for compelling dissertation topics, Research questions, and Thesis topics, you have come to the right place. Whether you are an undergraduate, master’s, or doctoral student in the UK or elsewhere, selecting a dissertation topic that aligns with your interests and career aspirations is crucial. It allows you to explore Project topics, contribute to the knowledge base of oil and gas management, and showcase your expertise and analytical skills through a Research Paper or Research Proposal.

Based on frequently asked questions we’ve come across, this post aims to assist students searching for interesting dissertation topics in Oil and Gas Management. Whether you’re exploring new ideas or preparing to finalize your research, these FAQs are a great starting point.

  • What are some trending research paper topics for oil and gas management for PhD students in 2025?
  • What are the most recent and researchable thesis topics in oil and gas management for MSC students?
  • Can anyone suggest unique project topics related to sustainability in oil and gas management in the UK for undergraduate students?
  • What are some potential research proposal ideas on the impact of digital technologies on the oil and gas sector in 2025?


With the ever-evolving nature of the oil and gas industry and its significant impact on global economies and energy markets, there is a growing need for unique and interesting research that addresses critical challenges and explores new opportunities within this sector. In this blog, we present a comprehensive list of good dissertation topics and examples that cover a wide range of subfields within oil and gas management. Each topic offers exciting Ideas for research, enabling you to explore areas such as energy policy, sustainability, technology advancements, project management, risk assessment, and more.

Research questions and Thesis topics in oil and gas management have been gaining prominence in academic literature over the past few decades, mainly as a result of accredited academic courses and professional Research Paper efforts in the sector. Dissertation topics in this field typically focus on Project topics, management issues, environmental concerns, processes and protocols in the industry, as well as the maintenance of resources. So, get ready to embark on a rewarding journey with unique and good Ideas as you select your dissertation topic and make a valuable contribution to the oil and gas industry.

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List of Oil and Gas Management dissertation topics

Oil and Gas Industry Sustainability and Environmental Impact

  • Assessing the impact of CSR practices in the UK oil and gas sector on its safe environment for off-shore workers.
  • A systematic review of global renewable energy resources in terms of environmental impact.
  • Analyzing the environmental and social impacts of shale gas extraction in the UK: A case study of a specific region.
  • An in-depth exploration of the practice trends in the application of biocorrosion techniques in the oil and gas sector- review of developed countries.
  • Evaluating the community engagement and stakeholder relations practices of UK oil and gas companies: A case study approach.
  • Comparative analysis of the impacts of oil and gas price fluctuations on the economies of different countries.
  • Sustainability issues and environmental challenges in Africa’s oil and gas industry- review of the literature.
  • Assessing the implications of health and safety protocols and practices on operational efficiency and workforce well-being in the oil and gas sector post-COVID.

Challenges in Oil and Gas Operations

  • Investigating the impact of changing consumer behaviors and energy consumption patterns on the demand for oil and gas post-COVID.
  • An analysis of the global factors that impact sustainability decision-making in the UK oil and gas sector.
  • Evaluating the effectiveness of risk management practices in minimizing operational and financial risks in oil and gas projects.
  • Comparative analysis of regulatory frameworks and policies for offshore oil and gas exploration and production in different regions.
  • A literature-based study of sustainability issues and challenges worth resolving in the Arctic oil and gas sector.
  • Assessing the comparative efficiency and effectiveness of oil and gas exploration and production methods in different regions.
  • Evaluating the strategies for supply chain resilience and diversification in the oil and gas sector in the aftermath of the pandemic.
  • Investigating the challenges and opportunities of managing offshore oil and gas operations in a specific region.

Financial Management in the Oil and Gas Industry

  • How has the regulatory framework on bidding impacted the Indian economy’s imports of foreign oil?
  • Empirical analysis of the impact of mergers and acquisitions on the financial performance and market value of oil and gas companies.
  • Investigating the effects of economic sanctions on the Russian oil and gas industry and its ability to attract foreign investment.
  • A financial comparative analysis of oil and gas technologies in the UK.
  • Empirical analysis of the relationship between oil and gas prices and investment decisions in exploration and production projects.
  • Comparative review of accounting methods used in extractive industries across Asia, Africa and Europe.

Corporate Social Responsibility and Governance in Oil and Gas

  • The motivation of North Sea oil riggers- an explorative analysis.
  • Case study analysis of the implementation and outcomes of a specific corporate social responsibility initiative in the oil and gas industry.
  • How has the regulatory framework on bidding impacted the Indian economy’s imports of foreign oil?
  • To what extent is the reputational risk the driver behind organisational corporate social responsibility- the case of the UK oil and gas sector?
  • Assessing the role of the UK oil and gas industry in achieving national energy security and independence: A case study analysis.
  • The high-risk profile of oil and gas job requirements balanced with corporate social responsibility- an analysis.

Technological Advances and Digital Transformation in the Oil and Gas Industry

  • Analyzing the role of government policies and regulations in shaping the post-pandemic recovery and sustainable growth of the oil and gas industry.
  • Empirical analysis of the impact of digital technologies on operational efficiency and cost reduction in the oil and gas industry.
  • An analysis of the global factors that impact sustainability decision-making in the UK oil and gas sector.
  • Evaluating the effectiveness of knowledge management practices in promoting innovation and organizational learning in the oil and gas industry.
  • Evaluating the strategies and adaptations of oil and gas companies to the challenges posed by the COVID-19 crisis.
  • Assessing the role of government incentives and policies in promoting sustainability and energy transition in the UK oil and gas industry.

Health, Safety, and Risk Management in the Oil and Gas Sector

  • The scope of environmental ethics within corporate disclosures of the UK oil and gas sector- synthesis of relevant literature.
  • A study on the waste management strategies in the oil and gas sector across the globe.
  • Evaluating the implications of the conflict on energy pricing and market dynamics in the region.
  • A review of communication systems for offshore drilling.
  • Analyzing the opportunities and challenges of integrating renewable energy sources into the operations and portfolios of oil and gas companies post-COVID.
  • A comprehensive review of risk management practices in the oil and gas industry: Trends, challenges, and best practices.
  • Assessing the factors influencing project success in offshore oil and gas exploration and production.
  • Empirical analysis of the relationship between leadership styles and employee performance in the oil and gas sector.


In the field of oil and gas management, students at the undergraduate, master’s, and doctoral levels pursue degrees that equip them with the skills needed to tackle the industry’s complex challenges. At the undergraduate level, students typically pursue a Bachelor’s in Oil and Gas Management, Petroleum Engineering, or Energy Management. Master’s programs often offer specialized degrees such as a Master’s in Oil and Gas Management or an MBA with a focus on energy. Doctoral students generally work towards a PhD in Petroleum Engineering or Energy Economics. Selecting the right degree and dissertation topic is crucial, as it allows students to contribute valuable research to the industry. With opportunities in areas like energy policy, sustainability, and project management, the research conducted at each level helps shape the future of oil and gas management. By choosing a unique and interesting topic, students can make significant contributions to this ever-evolving field.

There you go. Use the list for oil and gas management dissertation topics well and let us know if you have any comments or suggestions for our topics-related blog posts for the future or looking to get help with dissertation writing, send us an email at support@dissertationsage.co.uk.

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